
D5.2 User’s Manual for FibreLAB Software Tools

Responsible author: Jan Cervenka Co-authors: Zdenek Janda, Tomas Altman

This project document is developed during the project FibreLab. This document is an user’s manual for the software tools developed during the FibreLAB project.

The project develops software tools to support the design of advanced structures or products from fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) using simulation prototyping. The software supports engineers during the design process, which is based on the simulation of the structural performance during the foreseen design scenarios for the individual design limit states: serviceability and ultimate limit states as well as the new design states such as: robustness, durability and service life verification.

The software is developed based on the existing product ATENA developed and will be distributed by CER. The project develops a new module of this system specifically targeted for fibre reinforced concrete industry.

The product supports parametric modelling and embedded scripting language to enable the fast development of even more specialized design tools for the development and design of specific construction products for pre-cast industry or other mass production.

This documents provides the basic information how to apply the software tools developed in the research and development project FibreLAB for the analysis, design and performance evaluation of structures or structural components made of fibre-reinforced concrete. The document is devided into three main chapters which corresponds to the main three products developed during FibreLAB research project:

Chapter 2 - Rapid Prototyping for Parametric Modelling of FRC Products/Structures – ATENA Studio Pre

This chapter describes the main application of the prototyping and modelling software ATENA Pre. This software allows the parametric description and modelling of FRC products and structures.

Chapter 3 - FRC Model Parameters Identification

This chapter provides step by step description of the FRC model parameter identification based on experimental data using the procedures and software tools developed during FibreLAB project.

Chapter 4 - FRC Design using Simulation Prototyping

This chapter provides a guidance how to perform the global structural assessment and design using the new ATENA software developed during FibreLAB project for fibre-reinforced structures and products.


D5.1 Example & Validation Manual

Responsible author: Peter K. Juhasz Co-authors: Peter Schaul, Zdeněk Janda, J. Cervenka

This is the FibreLAB project document. This document is being continuously updated during the project. The report describes the examples and validation of software tools developed during the FibreLAB project. This work is part of workpackage W5 - Validation. This work package evaluates the developed software from three points of view: accuracy and relevance to the real behaviour of fibre reinforced material, robustness and efficiency and user-friendliness, ease if use.

The accuracy and predictive capacity of the software will be evaluated using the existing experiments of the partners or the experimental data available in the literature. CER previously participated in various projects involving numerical analysis of experimental data. JKP has a close and long term cooperation with the Budapest University of Technology and its experimental laboratory: Czako Adolf Laboratory (Department of Mechanics, Materials & Structures). This provides a large database of cca 20-50 experimental data that can be used to the software validation.

Important criterion for success of the project is the robustness and efficiency of the developed software. If it is to be used and accepted in the engineering practice it needs to provide accurate results, but the results have to provided also very quickly almost in real time.

The software should perform the requested analysis in terms of minutes with the upper limit of 2-3 hours for more advanced calculation types.

User friendliness and ease of use is also an important parameter, which will be evaluated in this package mainly by engineers from JKP, which understand the needs of the practice, and have extensive experience from using other design software products.

Based in the validation and evaluation process, the final adjustment of the software will be performed before the completion of the project.

The project develops software tools to support the design of advanced structures or products from fibre reinforced concrete (FRC) using simulation prototyping. The software will support engineers during the design process, which will be based on the simulation of the structural performance during the foreseen design scenarios for the individual design limit states: serviceability and ultimate limit states as well as the new design states such as: robustness, durability and service life verification.

The software will be developed based on the existing product ATENA developed and distributed by CER. The project will develop a separate module of this system specifically targeted for fibre reinforced concrete industry.

This product can be used separately or together with the existing ATENA software. The product shall also support parametric modelling and embedded scripting language to enable the fast development of even more specialized design tools for the development and design of specific construction products for precast industry or other mass production.


D4.2 Software for FRC Design and Assessment

Responsible author: Jan Červenka, Co-authors: Zdeněk Janda, T. Sajdlová, Peter K. Juhasz, Peter Schaul

Executive summary: This is the FibreLAB project document. This document is being continuously updated during the project. The current version extends the previous report, which describes the software prototype for FRC design and assessment. This work is part of workpackage W4. In this work package methods and software tools will be developed to facilitate the actual design or assessment of fiber reinforced concrete structures or products. This involves the automatic generation of the necessary numerical model for the various design checks, their automatic execution, evaluation of the outcome of the performed checks and if necessary design adjustments if the required performance based criteria are not satisfied.

The project will develop a software tool to support the design of advanced structures or products from fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) using simulation prototyping. The software will support engineers during the design process, which will be based on the simulation of the structural performance during the foreseen design scenarios for the individual design limit states: serviceability and ultimate limit states as well as the new design states such as: robustness, durability and service life verification.

The software will be developed based on the existing product ATENA developed and distributed by CER. The project will develop a separate module of this system specifically targeted for fibre reinforced concrete industry.

This product can be used separately or together with the existing ATENA software. The product shall also support parametric modelling and embedded scripting language to enable the fast development of even more specialized design tools for the development and design of specific construction products for pre-cast industry or other mass production.


D3.2 FRC Parameter Optimization Software

Responsible author: Jan Červenka, Co-authors: T. Sajdlová D. Stano

Executive summary: This is the FibreLAB project document, which describes the software and methodology for FRC parameter optimization. This work is part of work-package W3. This document extends and replaces the previous report D3.1, and describes the available tools for the determination of FRC material parameters by inverse analysis.

The project will develop a software tool to support the design of advanced structures or products from fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) using simulation prototyping. The software will support engineers during the design process, which will be based on the simulation of the structural performance during the foreseen design scenarios for the individual design limit states: serviceability and ultimate limit states as well as the new design states such as: robustness, durability and service life verification.

The software will be developed based on the existing product ATENA developed and distributed by CER. The project will develop a separate module of this system specifically targeted for fibre reinforced concrete industry.

This product can be used separately or together with the existing ATENA software. The product shall also support parametric modelling and embedded scripting language to enable the fast development of even more specialized design tools for the development and design of specific construction products for pre-cast industry or other mass production.


D2.2 Modelling Software

Responsible author: Jan Cervenka, Co-authors: Zdenek Janda, Tomas Altman, Pavel Palek, Peter Schaul, Tereza Sajdlová

Executive summary: This project document is developed during the project FibreLab to describe the prototyping and modelling software developed during the third year of the project. This documents extends the document developed in the second project year, i.e. deliverable D2.1. This document has been extended by new features developed during the third project year. The new features and development are mainly summarized in Section 2, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8.

The project develops a software tool to support the design of advanced structures or products from fiber reinforced concrete (FRC) using simulation prototyping. The software supports engineers during the design process, which is based on the simulation of the structural performance during the foreseen design scenarios for the individual design limit states: serviceability and ultimate limit states as well as the new design states such as: robustness, durability and service life verification.

The software is developed based on the existing product ATENA developed and will be distributed by CER. The project develops a new module of this system specifically targeted for fibre reinforced concrete industry.

The product supports parametric modelling and embedded scripting language to enable the fast development of even more specialized design tools for the development and design of specific construction products for pre-cast industry or other mass production.


Finite Element Analysis of a Precast Fibre Reinforced Concrete Track Slab

Károly Péter Juhász1 and Péter Schaul2
1. Department of Mechanics, Materials & Structures, Budapest University of Technology, Budapest 1111, Hungary
2. Department of Construction Materials and Technologies, Budapest University of Technology, Budapest 1111, Hungary

Abstract: In this article a macro synthetic fibre reinforced precast concrete track slab’s design process will be presented. The analysis was done with using advanced finite element software called ATENA (Cervenka et al. 2013). Beside the static loads, the precast slab was also checked for dynamic and fatigue loads. The structure was verified for early ages, for de-moulding, rotating, lifting and for transport as well. With the analysis a necessary fibre dosage was determined. After the design AECOM prepared a real scale test for two full slabs. During the test the displacements were measured on different places with using geophones. Finite element model of the test was made with all the details of the real scale test. The results from the tests and from the finite element models were close to each other in every checked case.



Károly Péter Juhász, JKP Static Ltd.,Reitter Ferenc str. 73, Budapest, Hungary
Péter Schaul,JKP Static Ltd.,Reitter Ferenc str. 73, Budapest, Hungary
John Hammond,Precast Advanced Track Ltd.,King Street, Knutsford, United Kingdom

SUMMARY: In this article a macro synthetic fibre reinforced precast concrete trackslab’s design process will be presented. The analysis was done with using an advanced finite element software called ATENA (Cervenka et al 2013). Beside the static loads, the precast slab was also checked for dynamic and fatigue loads. The structure was verify for early ages, for demoulding, rotating, lifting and for transport as well. With the analysis a necessary fibre dosage was determined. After the design AECOM prepared a real scale test for two full slab. During the test the displacements were measured on different places with using Geophones. Finite element model of the test was made with all the details of the real scale test. The results from the tests and from the finite element models were close to each other in every checked case.



Károly Péter Juhász, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechanics, Materials & Structures
Műegyetem rakpart 1-3, Budapest, Hungary, Péter Schaul, JKP Static Ltd.
Reitter Ferenc 73, Budapest, Hungary, Lóránt Nagy, JKP Static Ltd.
Reitter Ferenc 73, Budapest, Hungary

SUMMARY: Shanghai metro extension is one of the most enormous TBM tunnel investigation nowadays in Republic of China. Because of the size of the investment several research connected to the project. The Customers tried to use the most economic concrete reinforcement, and joint element between the rings. The Tongji University made a real scale test about the full precast concrete tunnel ring. The test was verified with numerical models. After the clarification of the material parameters, finite element analysis was done to optimize the steel bar reinforcement in the ring, and replace it with synthetic fibres. To find the optimum joint formation different models were carried out. The effect of the different bolt types (curved or straight) was significant, just like the use of fibres. With the optimum solution the structure will be more ductile than with the original formation.



Tereza Sajdlová1, Radomír Pukl1 , Karoly Peter Juhasz2, Lorant Nagy2, Peter Schaul2
1 Cervenka Consulting Na Hřebenkách 55, Prague, Czech Republic 2 JKP Static Ltd. Reitter Ferenc Street 73, Budapest, Hungary

SUMMARY: Determination of appropriate material parameters for the fibre reinforced concrete material model in design and assessment of structures is an important task, which is necessary for realistic modelling of FRC structures. Various recommendations and definitions are specified by specialized groups as RILEM, fib or ACI. These recommendations deal with test results of beam submitted to three or four point bending load with or without notch. Authors compared these documents and applied the determined parameters in numerical simulations. As the achieved results were not very satisfactory, a new solution for definition of the FRC parameters should be found. Presented solutions involve inverse analysis of results and method proposed by Juhasz (Juhasz, 2013). This methodology applies so-called modified fracture energy: the fracture energy of concrete is extended by energy contribution related to fibres.



Károly Péter Juhász, JKP Static Ltd., Reitter Ferenc str. 73, Budapest, Hungary
Péter Schaul, JKP Static Ltd., Reitter Ferenc str. 73, Budapest, Hungary
John Hammond, Precast Advanced Track Ltd., King Street, Knutsford, United Kingdom

SUMMARY: In this article a macro synthetic fibre reinforced precast concrete trackslab’s design process will be presented. The analysis was done with using an advanced finite element software called ATENA (Cervenka et al 2013). Beside the static loads, the precast slab was also checked for dynamic and fatigue loads. The structure was verify for early ages, for demoulding, rotating, lifting and for transport as well. With the analysis a necessary fibre dosage was determined. After the design AECOM prepared a real scale test for two full slab. During the test the displacements were measured on different places with using Geophones. Finite element model of the test was made with all the details of the real scale test. The results from the tests and from the finite element models were close to each other in every checked case.



Károly Péter Juhász, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Mechanics, Materials & Structures, Műegyetem rakpart 1-3, Budapest, Hungary,
Péter Schaul, JKP Static Ltd., Reitter Ferenc 73, Budapest, Hungary
Lóránt Nagy, JKP Static Ltd., Reitter Ferenc 73, Budapest, Hungary

SUMMARY: Shanghai metro extension is one of the most enormous TBM tunnel investigation nowadays in Republic of China. Because of the size of the investment several research connected to the project. The Customers tried to use the most economic concrete reinforcement, and joint element between the rings. The Tongji University made a real scale test about the full precast concrete tunnel ring. The test was verified with numerical models. After the clarification of the material parameters, finite element analysis was done to optimize the steel bar reinforcement in the ring, and replace it with synthetic fibres. To find the optimum joint formation different models were carried out. The effect of the different bolt types (curved or straight) was significant, just like the use of fibres. With the optimum solution the structure will be more ductile than with the original formation.
